Wizard tattoo design

Rainbow wizard action with vortex of space and apocalyptic smoke of the future tattoo design
Rainbow wizard action with vortex of space and apocalyptic smoke of the future tattoo design
Pen and ink illustration for Tabernacle tattoo merch
Pen and ink illustration for Tabernacle
tattoo merch Sometimes its fun to see how much impact i can achieve with pen and ink its very direct and translates well in to tattooing With all the shortcuts in art today it a no fake it until you make it process either you can draw or not The illustration process is at this point in tattooing is going to be the most valid with half breed tracers at best Who do not seem to understand balance of composition or backgrounds at all I really enjoy a natural fluent background with an organic feel as if you were born with these tattoos no matter what the subject may be its exciting and easy on the eyes