We live in an interesting time in the tattooing industry. In a sense it is a golden age for the industry with so many styles and varieties of tattoos in the world, we pride ourselves in being able to accommodate all those needs here at Tabernacle Tattoo. There are many new age designs, in addition to, the traditional designs that stand the test of time. All of these images are amazing and hold value in many cultures throughout the world. When it comes to custom tattooing it is important to understand the needs of a client both through an artistic and physiological perspective so the tattoo is aesthetically pleasing. With that being said, we want to fit our clients with quality custom tattoos and take on projects big and small.
We are blessed to be located in Historic Ybor City in Tampa, FL which has been a hot bed for tattooing for many years, this location allows us to meet and develop relationships with clients from all over the state of Florida and even the world. That level of diversity gives us the ability to hone our craft to all aspects of tattooing and gives us the ability to have a lot of fun doing what we love!
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog as always
-Tabernacle Tattoo