Dot work tattoo Tampa FL

Dot work tattoo Tampa FL

Long over due for a post guys we’ve been super busy at the tattoo shop in Tampa, Florida. In case you may not see what style your looking for on site we are well studied in all styles!! We enjoy the challenge of all tattoos, projects big and small, male tattoos and tattoos for females we are looking to make something real cool happen. Dot work ,Tribal,Mandala tattoos and of course Japanese tattooing and traditional tattooing are just a few tattoos on the menu here at Tabernacle tattoo. We truly look forward to working with all clients of different backgrounds and tattoo ideas, we believe it proves us and the client with a lot of growth during the process. As always the best way to discuss these topics is to…
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Do you want to get to the next level

Do you want to get to the next level

I have been getting closer on wrapping up a few projects this has one one more session left. I'm very grateful to have the clients I do and the trust they give me to conquer projects like this, which was started about 3 months ago. Custom tattoos like this can happen with proper follow through and the endurance to make the big investment in their tattoo. Ive been tattooing in Tampa, Florida for six years now and things have been great. We are finishing fun tattoos and starting new ones. If you are interested in getting a custom tattoo done stop by the shop I'd love to meet you and speak in person about what we can do for you!! Thank you for visiting our tattoo blog here at Tabernacle…
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Custom tattoo designs

Custom tattoo designs

Drawings Drawings Drawing!!! Its a part of every day life as a tattooer. But can we start to loosen up the ideas and specifications and start relying on the aesthetics of design fundamentals to bring tattooing to life!! What is the real goal here?!? We should want as tattooers, to generate intelligent aesthetics and flawless tattoo designs, there is a reason many of these tattoos have stood the test of time!! Whatever the case may be, I want to get a little more open minded to design beyond the references of popular culture that are usually brought to me. These references are valid, but I believe I can change some ideas that facilitate these pop culture tattoo designs into images that still convey the idea but also apply a readable…
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Wizard tattoo design

Wizard tattoo design

[caption id="attachment_362" align="alignnone" width="207"] Rainbow wizard action with vortex of space and apocalyptic smoke of the future tattoo design[/caption] [caption id="attachment_364" align="alignnone" width="215"] Pen and ink illustration for Tabernacletattoo merch . Sometimes its fun to see how much impact i can achieve with pen and ink its very direct and translates well in to tattooing. With all the shortcuts in art today it a no fake it until you make it process either you can draw or not! The illustration process is at this point in tattooing is going to be the most valid with half breed tracers at best .Who do not seem to understand balance of composition or backgrounds at all. I really enjoy a natural fluent background with an organic feel as if you were born with…
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Scott Fisher of Legacy Tattoo in Brandon Fl

Brandon Florida tattoo artist Scott Fischer formerly of Legacy tattoo is currently working in Historic Ybor city at Tabernacle tattoo. He's here to facilitate your tattoo needs. Please call/ E-mail or just stop in the shop !!! if you are interested in getting tattooed.He's here to WIN!!!![caption id="attachment_349" align="alignnone" width="300"] Space lettering that gets you to the next zone[/caption][caption id="attachment_348" align="alignnone" width="202"] Wild shark week party tattoo on males lower leg[/caption][caption id="attachment_347" align="alignnone" width="234"] memento Mori tattoo on females lower leg in color and black and grey[/caption]
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nordic dragon

nordic dragon

Fun tribal dragon on a great client we will call it a Nordic dragon. Any and all styles will be executed with thought and integrity. Powerful tattoos that are built to last are what we make!!
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Ireland adventure at love hate social club

Ireland adventure at love hate social club

Im really finally getting the opportunity to reflect on some of the things I am truly grateful for, we have been busy at the tattoo shop and for that and our excellent clients Im truly happy.  Tampa has been keeping us busy proving awesome custom tattoos but sometimes its always nice to escape one reality and enter another.  I traveled to Love Hate Social Club in Cork City, Ireland which was an amazing experience, I got to tattoo a lot of really amazing people during my time there.  Love Hate Social Club was founded by Ami James of Miami Ink and Ross Nigel of All-Star Tattoo in Limerick City, Ireland.  While I was in Ireland I had the pleasure of working with Damien Ross of Invisible NYC and Paul O'Rourke…
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Skull and Water

Skull and Water

There's a lot of colorful ink work I have done, but doing black and grey tattoos can be just as visually appealing too. This guy right here is a skull popping out of some finger waves and wind bars with stars in his eyes. Why? Because he's probably a reaper looking into the future, past and present or maybe just staring into the abyss of your soul. Again, smaller tattoos are always a blast to work on and create depth within them.
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Small Butterfly Tattoo

Small Butterfly Tattoo

As much I love having big arm pieces, back pieces, leg pieces, body suits to do, doing small one shot tattoos are always a good time. Doesn't have to be a butterfly or just in black and grey, but this cool guy right here is a perfect example of even though it looks tiny there's a lot of intricate detail within these things. And we can put color on these little guys all day.
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